Parched is an entertaining, timely, and thought provoking film about four women in rural India, and their struggles with their relationships, family, social mores and strict religious customs of the area.
Written and directed by Leena Yadav, it focuses on the women and their lives and family. They live in such an oppressive area, and the elders of the village rule the town, or do they? The increasingly rebellious women fight to overcome the repressive and sometimes violent elements in their lives. The festival at the end of the film celebrates the “Divine power of the Feminine,” even as the relationships of the women are fraught with difficulty.
This enjoyable, unique film is entertaining and enlightening, with lovely cinematography and evocative music as well. It opens today, August 9th and is available on iTunes,, etc., and the DVD is also available at many major retailers.
Written and directed by Leena Yadav, it focuses on the women and their lives and family. They live in such an oppressive area, and the elders of the village rule the town, or do they? The increasingly rebellious women fight to overcome the repressive and sometimes violent elements in their lives. The festival at the end of the film celebrates the “Divine power of the Feminine,” even as the relationships of the women are fraught with difficulty.
This enjoyable, unique film is entertaining and enlightening, with lovely cinematography and evocative music as well. It opens today, August 9th and is available on iTunes,, etc., and the DVD is also available at many major retailers.