I was a member of a gun club in upstate NY where we lived up until last summer. I have many friends who are hunters and I knew them to be intelligent, sane folks who just want to enjoy their constitutional right to bear arms in a safe way. I have no problem with that. (I was awfully glad though when my husband said he would personally only shoot clay pigeons.) What I have a problem with is the rampant uncontrol of guns getting so easily into the hands of mentally unstable individuals who can and do end or damage innocent lives with the touch of a trigger. It doesn't matter if you are Republican or Democrat, a hunter or a vegetarian. Here is a common sense solution to help stop the violence now. This is an excellent video of Moms Demand Action founder Sharon Watts discussing this urgent issue. It's time. Dads there's a group for you too, visit their website momsdemandaction.org.